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1 year Translate
Translation is impossible.


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1 year Translate
Translation is impossible.


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Translation is impossible.


Praise the wine for its munificence

And give it the best of names

Do not allow water to subdue it

Nor let it rule the water

A Karkhiyya* that had long been aged

Until most of it is reduced

Such that the drinker coming by it

Has but the tail-end of its life to enjoy

Yet it turns round and revives blameless

The spirits of ardent lovers

Oft the wine is drunk

By such as are not up to it.

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Translation is impossible.

Elegy for Sakhr

Be generous, my eyes, with shedding copious tears

and weep a stream of tears for Sakhr!

I could not sleep and was awake all night;

it was as if my eyes were rubbed with grit.

I watched the stars, though it was not my task to watch;

at times I wrapped myself in my remaining rags.

He would protect his comrade in a fight, a match

for those who fight with weapons, tooth, or claw

Amidst a troupe of horses straining at their bridles eagerly,

like lions that arrive in pastures lush.


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