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Даже логика работает против атеистов.

Вся жизнь неверующего - это сплошное поражение.

Нет у них ничего из этого мира, чего не было бы у нас. Кроме естественно мерзостей, которые липнут к ним как мухи.

Неверующий лишён как и этого мира, так и мира вечного

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Al-Mutanabbi (915-965)

The life of Al-Mutanabbi is perhaps best described as an epic journey to glory, money and power.

Excerpt from Sayf Al-Dawlah's Recapture Of The Fortress al-Hadath

Firm resolutions happen in proportion to the resolute,

and noble deeds come in proportion to the noble.

Small deeds are great in small men's eyes,

great deeds, in great men's eyes, are small.

Sayf al-Dawlah charges the army with the burden of his zeal,

which large hosts are not strong enough to bear,

And he demands of men what only he can do -

even lions do not claim as much.

Does "Red" al-Hadath know its colour, does it know

which of the two wine-pourers was the clouds?

White clouds have watered it before he came,

and then, when he drew near, the skulls drenched it again.

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